Troy Community Group - Michigan Abolitionist Project (MAP)
Please join Michigan Abolitionist Project's (MAP) Troy Community Group which meets at BCC. Check us out to learn ways YOU can help fight human trafficking here in our community. Together we can do something about it! Questions? Contact Beth at
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wycliffe Bible Translators works to provide copies of the Bible to people groups around the world who don't otherwise have the Bible in their written language. According to Wycliffe, at least 1.5 billion people speaking more than 1,800 languages don't have a Bible that is translated in their language.

Donations for Detroit Homeless
BCC has partnered with God's Favor Ministry and Belleville Church of God to collect much needed items for men and women in Detroit struggling with homelessness. Items we collect include shoes and boots, gloves, hats, toiletries, and hand warmers. We host separate donation drives at different times of the year for men and women, so keep an eye on our Weekly Reminder text and email for details on the next drive. Text us for info: 248-773-4044.
Angel Tree Christmas
In cooperation with Prison Fellowship, BCC supports Angel Tree Christmas to restore and strengthen relationships between incarcerated parents and their children and families. Donated gifts are delivered to local children of participating parent(s), along with the Gospel message, and a personal message of love on behalf of their mom or dad behind bars.

Project Sunset
Donate today to reduce the risk of malaria in Gabon and the Democratic Republic of Congo.