What can we make the world look like?

BCC Vision Statement:

"Everyone Discipled – Everyone Transformed – Everyone On Mission"

Purpose Statement:

"Everyone glorifying the Father through being discipled in Christ and transformed
by the Spirit who sends us out on mission."

Mission Statement:

"Make disciples. Love the Lord. Love All to Christ"

Spiritual Passion   Spirit-filled Character   Spiritual Disciplines   Loving Relationships    Missional Living

SPIRITUAL  PASSION – Everyone Discipled, Everyone Transformed, Everyone On Mission: by encouraging each person to have…  a hunger for the Lord and His Presence with all of our hearts. This means we are to be seeking Him, obeying Him, loving Him, pleasing Him, abiding in Him, enjoying Him and glorifying Him alone at all times.

SPIRIT-FILLED  CHARACTER – Everyone Discipled, Everyone Transformed, Everyone On Mission: by encouraging each person to have… a heart filled with His Holy Spirit by faith so that His power transforms our thoughts, words, attitudes, motivations, and actions to be like Jesus Christ.

SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINESEveryone Discipled, Everyone Transformed, EOM: by encouraging each person to have… Prayer, Fasting, Fellowship, Small Groups, Worship, Quiet Times, Bible Study, Solitude, Silence, Journaling, Bible Memorization, Sabbath, Confession, Accountability, Hospitality, Discipling, Service, Witness, Care of the Earth, Stewardship, etc.

LOVING  RELATIONSHIPS – Everyone Discipled, Everyone Transformed, EOM: by encouraging each person to have… relationships that are developed and growing by His power in truth and grace.  Love is the badge all Christians wear to show we belong to Jesus Christ.

 MISSIONAL LIVING – Everyone Discipled, Everyone Transformed, Everyone on Mission: by encouraging each person to discover and develop our spiritual gifts and talents from the Lord to serve others as we go out into our schools, workplaces, communities and world.

Core Values:

  1. Lost people matter to God.  He wants them found.  Luke 19:10
  2. Prayer is the primary work of the people of God.  Phil 4:6-7
  3. Everything we have belongs to God.  We are only stewards.  I Chron 29:14
  4. Knowing and obeying God’s Word is fundamental to all true success.  Josh 1:8
  5. Completing the Great Commission will require the mobilization of every fully devoted disciple.  Matt 28:19
  • Each person needs to be engaged in their Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and ends of the earth. Acts 1:8
  • A multiethnic ministry and focus is essential for us to reach all the nations.  Matt 28:19-20
  • The family is the natural place for love, nurture, modeling and discipleship to take place.   Eph 5:21-6:4
  • Making disciples that evangelize the lost and disciple the responsive is essential for multiplication. Col 1:27-29
  • Leadership development is essential to effectively minister now and to reach the next generation. II Tim 2:2
  • We glorify God by going and sending our people into the world (missions) as Jesus was sent.  John 17:17-21
  1. Without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we can accomplish nothing.  I Cor 2:4-5
  2. Achieving God’s purposes involves taking faith-filled risks.  This always involves change.  Heb 11:6
  3. Grace in relationships is essential in building each other up in love into the maturity of Christ. Eph 4:15-16,29

National Website: Together as a Christ-centered, Acts 1:8 family, we will Love, Proclaim, Reach, and Launch.

Statement Of Faith

The Christian & Missionary Alliance Churches stand upon the solid foundations of basic Christian beliefs taken from the Scriptures. We believe that the Lord, through His Word, has the authority to guide us in what is essential. Though there are many beliefs and doctrines that could be listed, the Alliance churches have chosen these as our firm beliefs. Bridge Community Church whole-heartedly embraces these Biblical and historical statements of faith.

Core Values

Below are the seven Core Values of the National and District levels of the C&MA. Number eight is our addition.  The commentary below each one is our attempt to personalize them for our church. We, at Bridge Community Church, wholeheartedly embrace these core values. As Rev. Jeff Brown, our former district superintendent says, "I would like these to be not just our core values we believe, but our core values that express our behavior". While we acknowledge that some of these are not yet a full reality, they are what we desire to become.

What are core values? According to Audrey Malphurs in Advanced Strategic Planning, they are "the constant, passionate, biblical core beliefs that drive the ministry."