Adult Ministries

Care Team Ministry

BCC’s Care Team exists to share and demonstrate the love of Jesus by coming alongside those with needs and those who are caring for loved ones in their needs. Our Care Team Ministry answers this call by seeking to meet the practical needs of individuals by offering tangible assistance and encouragement, and/or referrals to support resources that are available in the community. We are blessed in our availability to serve as others experience Jesus’ touch and encouragement through this ministry.

I John 3:18-   "let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth."

Resources at BCC

Frozen Meals- ready-made meals provided in times of crisis or need.

Visits- visits from someone on the care team by request.

Phone Calls- phone calls from someone on the care team by request.

  MomCo- gather with other moms of all ages every other week during the school year.

Resource Books- easy to read books on a variety of helpful topics, see the list here: add link

Life Groups- BCC Life Groups are a way to be an encouragement and to be encouraged. 

I need help from the Care Team

Click this link to sign up for assistance from the Care Team.

I want to Volunteer with the Care Team

Click this link to volunteer to provide one of these services.

Community Resources

  • Ageways: nonprofit source for information to connect older adults and family caregivers with programs and resources.
  • Local Senior Centers: call for advice and to find out what resources are available.
  • Forgotten Harvest: if you are in need of food assistance, help is available through Forgotten Harvest at
  • Counseling and Therapy 

Need help navigating the website and information to get the services you need?

Email us at or leave a message at 248-879-9500.